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Smit, F., Glaudemans A., & Jonker R. (2017).  Archives in liquid times. 326.
The contributions in this book are now summarised in the order in which they are published in this edition. The first and second chapter are by Geert-Jan van Bussel. The first chapter is an overview of archival theories and their philosophical foundations, including modern digital diplomatics and the concept of the records continuum. In his second contribution Geert-Jan van Bussel presents a new theoretical framework for the archives in organisational context, based on a pragmatic approach. The “archive-as-is” is a part of Enterprise Information Management (EIM). In this framework the value of information, and the ensuing criteria for quality of records play a central part. The theoretical framework is positioned between modern diplomatics and the records continuum. Rienk Jonker’s essay is a theoretical exploration in which concepts of Luciano Floridi and concepts from archival theory are linked. It introduces an information model and a new definition of an information object. In this way a framework can be established that can be both of use to the archival professionals and community, as well as to disciplines like information philosophy and information theory. In his contribution, Geoffrey Yeo concentrates on several theoretical perspectives, most notably on speech act theory (or philosophy). His essay considers how notions of ‘information’ might relate to a view of record-making and record-keeping that take account of speech act philosophy. It concludes that records have both social and informational roles. Speech act theory reminds us that records are not mere information objects or containers of facts, and it affirms that records do not simply dissolve into interpretation. At the point of inscription, a record and an action are interlinked: assertive, directive, commissive, or declarative. In their article, Arnoud Glaudemans and Jacco Verburgt address the topic of today’s archival transition from analogue to digital, by discussing and comparing Jacques Derrida and Vilém Flusser. Derrida stresses that, traditionally, an archive is largely defined by what he calls domiciliation, involving a hierarchical and centralized gathering and structuring of information. According to Flusser, the realm of digital, algorithmically processed, information consists of what he calls technical images, which impose a shift from discursive (or textual) to dialogical (e.g., hyperlinked) information. This shift would make the traditional, centralized structure of the archive gradually obsolete, not from a Derridean ‘deconstructivist’ perspective, but from a techno-functionalist perspective. The discussion results in raising some theoretical and practical questions regarding the present-day archive, including the operational functionalities that need to be built into the digital for reasons of accountability. The two following contributions are by Wolfgang Ernst. The first essay is inspired by Michel Foucault's ‘L’Archéologie du Savoir’. It explores media archaeology as a cross-disciplinary field of inquiry, that consists of a radically material and mathematical approach to the study of cultural change, memory, and knowledge tradition, and even the very category of time itself. The second essay concentrates on audio-visual information. Archives, today, can be re-defined in terms of negentropic systems. How can not only material traces and textual documents, but temporal expressions (or movements) themselves be preserved for future historiographies? Ernst’s answer lies in discovering, reflecting and techno-mathematically realising new options of flexible access. Fiorella Foscarini and Juan Ilerbaig reflect on the basic concept of context. They use a semiotic approach in which they provide insights that point to an expanded and more dynamic view of text-context relationships. Rhetorical Genre Studies (RGS) offer a set of concepts and analytical tools that shed light on the social context of records creation and use. By looking at intertextual relationships in the archives, archivists can develop a better insight as to the mechanisms involved in the choices made by record creators and users; an insight that in turn elucidates context as a situated construct. The following chapter is a reflection by Charles Jeurgens on the position of recordkeeping in the digital age, and on accountability and transparency in view of the current data-flood. He argues that the present and mainstream views of appraisal in the recordkeeping community should radically change. We should focus on understanding and managing the assemblages between data and the processing mechanisms (for instance algorithms) in situated practices. Anne Gilliland’s essay is about metadata. It puts the concept of metadata in historical perspective. In the past decades the concept has had a profound influence on archival theory. The essay raises fundamental questions about the relationship between records and metadata, about metadata practices and standards and about their ethical implications. Another basic concept in archival theory: provenance is the subject of the essay of Giovanni Michetti. Provenance in the archival domain has moved from a simplistic one-to-one relationship to a multi-dimensional approach. It is now being understood as a network of relationships between objects, agents and functions. Any lack of control over provenance determines some uncertainty which in turn affects trust in digital objects, so we will have to develop new ways to approach and ascertain digital provenance. Frans Smit reflects on another basic concept in archival theory: authenticity. His essay gives an overview of how this concept is used regarding archives. He argues that to gain a better understanding of the authenticity of records in a digital environment, it is necessary to redefine the nature of records and their context. He uses the concept of hyperobjects, originating from ecological philosopher Timothy Morton, to gain a better understanding of records in a data-immersed society, and as a starting point to rethink the way authenticity of records in such an environment can be asserted. Information ethics is the central issue of the essay by Martijn van Otterlo. He explores the ethics concerning digital archives from the perspective of data science, and with an emphasis on the role of algorithms. Ethical principles, about access, have been formalised and communicated in the form of ethical codes, or: codes of conduct. This last topic brings us from the intended, human archivist in physical domains to the intentional, algorithmic archivist, of: algivist, in the digital domain. Which codes of conduct should be made for the latter, and how to implement them? The book concludes with interviews in which two internationally renowned scholars. Archival theorist Eric Ketelaar and information philosopher Luciano Floridi share their reflections on the subjects raised in this book. The interviews mainly concern the nature (and future) of records, the (digital) ethics concerning archives, and the role that the various professional communities on information should play nowadays.
Bestand SAP Jaarboek 2017_Archives in Liquid Times.epub (9.88 MB)PDF-pictogram Archives_in_Liquid_Times.pdf (7.13 MB)
Glaudemans, A., Jonker R., & Smit F. (2017).  Beyond the traditional boundaries of archival theory; An Interview with Eric Ketelaar.
In: Frans Smit, Arnoud Glaudemans and Rienk Jonker, Archives in liquid times, Stichting Archiefpublicaties, 's Gravenhage, 2017. (p 295-305)
Glaudemans, A., Jonker R., & Smit F. (2017).  Documents, Archives and Hyperhistorical Societies:; An Interview with Luciano Floridi.
In: Frans Smit, Arnoud Glaudemans and Rienk Jonker, Archives in liquid times, Stichting Archiefpublicaties, 's Gravenhage, 2017. (p 306-320)
PDF-pictogram Archives_in_Liquid_Times_Floridi.pdf (4.66 MB)
Glaudemans, A., Jonker R., & Smit F. (2015).  "The right people and the right forces need to get together."; Interview with Prof. Luciano Floridi. 9-18.
Een eerdere versie met de eerste helft van het interview is hier te vinden: Frans Smit en Arnoud Glaudemans, Rienk Jonker, 'We need to join forces’; Luciano Floridi over archieven in de infosphere,  Archievenblad, 2014 , Nummer 7 (september 2014, blz 10-15) In beide uitgaves wordt apart in een kader aandacht besteed aan het onderscheid tussen accessibility (toegankelijkheid) en availability (beschikbaarheid). ----------------------- Over accessibility en  availability ------------------------------------------- Het onderscheid tussen de Engelstalige begrippen ‘accessibility’ en ‘availability’ is lastig te maken. Daarom komt het vertalen daarvan ook precies. Het gaat om het onderscheid tussen: (1) informatie die er is en waarvan dat bekend is (available), en (2) aanwezige informatie die vindbaar, benaderbaar en te gebruiken is (findable, accessible en usable). De begrippen accesibility en availability ‘drijven’ uit elkaar. Iets wat beschikbaar is hoeft niet toegankelijk te zijn. Bijvoorbeeld een link naar een gegeven kan worden verwijderd terwijl het gegeven zelf er nog wel is. Ze is dan echter niet meer vindbaar en dus ook niet bruikbaar. Iets wat toegankelijk is zou ook beschikbaar moeten zijn. Anders is de link niet meer dan een ‘herinnering’ aan iets wat er niet meer is. Beschikbare informatie is dus informatie die er is. Niet beschikbare informatie bestaat niet, want zij is niet waarneembaar. Wanneer zij na een periode van beschikbaarheid niet meer beschikbaar is, is er sprake van entropie (destruction). Beschikbare informatie kan toegankelijk zijn. De mate en manier waarop informatie toegankelijk is kan variëren. Dit is afhankelijk van het belang dat aan die informatie is of wordt toegekend. Een hyperlink naar informatie van een zoekmachine is een vorm van toegankelijkheid. Dus het verbreken van deze link verandert iets aan de mate van toegankelijkheid en indirect iets aan de mate van beschikbaarheid. Maar desondanks blijft die niet gelinkte informatie beschikbaar. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NB! [20201112] - Zelfs bij de KVAN slaat de reference rot toe.[bib]ref_9906[/bib] Alle opgenomen links werken niet meer. Daarom is een PDF versie van de uitgave met het interview hieronder toegevoegd.
PDF-pictogram 9903.pdf (6.56 MB)