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Model Requirements for the Management of Electronic Records (MoReq)

TitelModel Requirements for the Management of Electronic Records (MoReq)
Plaats uitgaveBruxelles - Luxembourg

The MoReq Specification is a model specification of requirements for Electronic Records Management Systems (ERMS).  It has designed to be easily used, and to be applicable throughout Europe.  It is intended to be useful for 

  • potential ERMS users: as a basis for preparing an invitation to tender; 
  • ERMS users: as a basis for auditing or checking an existing ERMS; 
  • training organisations: as a reference document for preparing records management training, and as course material; 
  • academic institutions: as a teaching resource; 
  • ERMS suppliers and developers: to guide product development by highlighting functionality required; 
  • record management service providers: to guide the nature of the services to be provided; 
  • potential users of outsourced record management services: as an aid in specifying the services to be procured.

Moreq is een model ten behoeve van het omgaan met elektronische records. Het spitst zich hoofdzakelijk toe op de functionele eisen voor het managen van elektronische records door een Electronic Records Management System (ERMS). Het model is ontwikkeld door Cornwell Affiliates plc in het kader van het IDA programma (Interchange of Data between Administrations) van de Europese Commissie. 

Deze standaard is vervallen met de komst van Moreq21 2

Citation Keyref_4837
Datum eerste publicatie: 
dinsdag, 17 april 2018 - 11:26pm